Friday, November 19, 2010

The secret to getting ahead is getting started

I am still going to work every day for another few weeks and the closer I get to my last day, the more nervous I get about my future.  Today I decided to ignore the fear and just take some steps.  Here are the steps I took today to begin the process that will lead to realization of  my dreams of supporting myself as an author:
  1. I networked.  I reached out to two professional people that I have known in my past that I enjoy and respect a great deal.  I asked them to meet with me sometime soon and have two dates set up that I am excited about.  I did not contact them to gain from them, but with the sincere desire to reconnect on a personal level.  These women are brilliant and will provide inspiration, friendship, and ideas.
  2. I visited the local library and checked out two books about writing and blogging.  If you don't research and research what you want to do, you will not succeed.
  3. I have located another internet-based magazine and have "apply for a writing job" on my to-do list.  Being rejected for a similar assignment a week ago, I learned that I need to approach this process with thoughtful and careful construction of my application.  I will take my time to apply for this position, giving it my very best.  
  4. I have ignored the "writer's block" I was experiencing in relation to my blog and written this post.
I must admit that I have been frightened and paralyzed the last few days.  Just about the time I think I should be "over it", it seems to return.  I am reading a book about women who "overthink" that I recommend highly.  Organizing my thoughts, setting my priorities, and taking some steps today were a great antidote for that anxiety.  I feel empowered again to shape my future.  I give credit to all the supportive people around me for giving me the continual courage to keep moving in the right direction. 

1 comment:

  1. You rock! Love it that you are seizing what you want your life to be! Very few people do.
