Sunday, November 21, 2010

Failures and tears - all part of the journey

You cannot have the success without the failures.  Any experience can be transformed into something of value.  Everything depends on the way you look at things.

I took that advice above today and submitted another writing application.  With any luck, I will be approved for this one.  It is just a beginning job writing for a website. Interesting that these little opportunities exist and I never knew about them before.  It took a bit of courage for me to submit again, since being rejected last week for a similar assignment, and the recent experience of the rejection associated with the layoff.  I will let you know what happens. 
I am going to take the attitude that every failure just brings me closer to a success.  Getting in that mindset will take a bit of determination and perseverance.  My attitude is something I have to work on every day.  I can choose the mindset of a winner or the mindset of a loser.  I can quit anytime I want to, but if I put it off every day, then I can eventually succeed.

It was a teary day for me today as the realization that our income (or lack-there-of) would barely meet every day expenses and that our adult children could not count on us as they once had.  Some difficult conversations had to happen.  I had to tell them that they would need to take care of their unexpected expenses and needs.  I took for granted that we would always be able to offer some security for our children, and although I have faith that we will be in a better place someday, today is not the day.  Not to say we don't have the basics of food, shelter, warmth, transportation, etc., but we do not have the spending luxury we had not too long ago.  While I am adjusting to that thought, those around me need to adjust as well.  I haven't felt poor in quite a long time.. maybe 11+ years or so.  Such a humbling experience today and such a growth opportunity!

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