Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I am "out"

After 2 weeks of guardedly telling a few friends about my lay off situation, I have made a very "freeing" decision.  I just posted the following on facebook to announce my new "stay at home" situation to the world. 
"I am leaving the corporate management environment after the first of the year to pursue some entrepreneurial ventures. We are kind of excited at our house to see what comes of this next year. "Never fear, Never quit"
I have been kind of skulking around the issue with friends outside of work and a little ashamed to say "I was laid off", or "my position was eliminated".  Those words were just so demoralizing and still bring shame to me when I say them.  Perhaps I still feel that it was me, Julie, that was eliminated and not my position.  Nonetheless, it has been a difficult message to deliver to folks.
Today I spent the day with my mother and a group of our friends, none of whom knew about my situation.  They all know I am a full time employee and wondered how I got today off.  We were discussing my mother's up-coming surgery in mid-January and I was talking about being there to help her and it just seemed like these women in the car needed some explanation of my suddenly-found freedom after the first of the year.  
So I just made an announcement very similar to the one I posted on facebook tonight.  It seemed to go over pretty well in the car.  I told them Mike's business was doing well (that is true), and that he was excited to allow me to pursue some dreams (also true), and that my family was happy to be having me home (also true).  It just felt SO much better to make it seem like my decision.  I suddenly feel more empowered and in control of my life.  
I also appreciate that my pain is more private now and people do not feel the need to pity me.  I have always been a very independent woman and a strong bread winner for my family.  This will be the first time in my life that I have drawn from unemployment (and I hope the last time).  It will be the first time in the last 34 years that I did not have at least a full time job to attend.  
Perhaps I am recovering after-all.

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