Friday, November 26, 2010

Expenses during this lay-off situation

Today is the famous Black Friday.. the day when all the sales are happening and people are out spending money they don't even have yet.  Not my family, not this year.  I have told my family that Christmas would be tight.  I have explained to them that there would be no luxuries this next year.  It is time for us to focus on what is really important, and it is not extravagant gifts or luxury purchases.
After being laid off and facing the unemployment income reality, we realized that our income is going to be cut in half as a family.  In addition to that, we have to purchase our own health insurance and make the difficult decision whether to pay up to $1,000 per month to have a decent comparable coverage, with a modest prescription plan and co-pays at the doctor, or to spend $300 per month for our health insurance, which would cover only catastrophic illnesses.  Today my daughter had a sudden illness that required us to see a doctor.  I have never had to think so much about the physician expenses.  An office visit is $120 just to see our doctor and the antibiotic injection she needed was a whopping $150 more.  Then we had to pick up two prescriptions from the pharmacy.  What I realized today was that, with our current insurance, which will end January 31, we only paid $40 for all of that.  In the new and scary world we face, that same unexpected illness could cost us $350.  I am really not much of a high-stakes gambler, but these new health insurance options we are faced with are going to make me into one.  We are undecided at this time about the future of our health insurance.
We also had to make a trip to the grocery store.  We found ourselves saying "no" to several things our smallest daughter wanted, and we found ourselves limiting our selections to lower cost items.  I have begun to think of food as a necessary, expensive evil, and the plain label brands somehow now taste better.  We got out of the grocery store with a bill of only $48.
I realize that I still struggle with some "situational" depression.  I have one more week to go to work until I have no office to go to.  I think the feelings might intensify after my "last day", but I am hopeful that soon, it will become more of a normal thought and feeling.  This "lay off" has been tough on me and my family.

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