Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It wasn't a nightmare - back to the challenge of acceptance

I woke up this morning and am preparing to return to work.  The residual sadness of yesterday is still with me and I have had to fight back tears a couple of times.  The good news is that my husband held me and told me it would be ok, and that I would be fine.. we would be fine.  It is so important to have someone special in your corner 100%.  His faith in me carries me when I don't have faith in myself.  I am very grateful for him and I hope everyone has someone in their life like him.
I remember a quote from a book I am reading that strikes me hard this morning.  The author writes about having a "winner" and a "loser" in each of us.  He never knows which one of them will wake up with him each day.  It is important in times of shaken faith, and self-doubt that you somehow bring that "winner" forward and push that "loser" back.
Failure is such a "dirty word", yet it is exactly what leads us toward a path of growth and self-discovery.  Without failures in our lives, we would not know successes.  Without mistakes, we would not learn.  No one wants to look failure in the eyes and deal with it, but the "winner" in each of us can do exactly that!  The "winner" says:  So you failed at that, ok, your human, what have you learned, and how can you do it better the next time.  The "loser" wallows in self-doubt and despair.
My 9 year old little girl is still innocent and she never lets her "loser" get the best of her.  She wakes up a winner every morning and she learns quickly.  I hope it is not just the innocence of youth that gives her that great attitude each and every day.  I hope she can maintain that throughout her life.  I learn so much watching her take risks and trying her best and being happy with her results.
I can accept this situation with grace and hope.  I can have faith that this failure is just an opportunity for huge success.  I won't stay in bed and hope it was a nightmare.  I will deal with the situation rationally and realistically.  I will move forward.
Fergie sings a song with a line that says: "I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket, but I gotta get a move on with my life...  It's time to be a big girl now... and big girls don't cry"  (my new mantra today).


  1. Good day Julie, Your story is amazing, you have good family and friends to carry you through all of this. Sounds like your in the right direction and I am so happy you decided to take the other step forward rather than backwards. I wish you all the best in all your ventures.You are a wonderful woman, mother and friend and I am so proud to call you my friend.
    Love you Julie and always remember I am here for you regardless the situation.
    BIG HUGS!!

  2. Rose, you have been part of my inspiration. You have inner strength and conviction in your beliefs. I have followed you as well and seen you rise above adversity and deal with life's challenges with your head held high, and with faith. Thanks for being there for me! Hugs back.
