Friday, November 5, 2010

I have difficulty focusing

I find myself jumping from emotion to emotion and from task to task.  With so much to do, plan for, change, and fear, I just can't seem to get my thoughts straight.  Examples of real things that have to be handled in order to un-entwine my life from my employer: 
  • My computer has to be cleaned up... all my personal files have to be saved and sent home to my PC.
  • My work electronic files have to be cleaned up so they are catagorized so someone else can understand them and find what has been done.
  • Email; After 12 years of the same "stable" email account, there are many other things connected to the email so I have to think of all of those and get a new email account to transfer items to.
  • Email contacts:  I have relationships with professional people in the community and I want the chance to "explain" to them in my own way and professionally, that I will no longer be at this organization, but I will still be around in the community.  I would also like the opportunity to "save face".
  • Insurance.  Since I was the sole insurance provider for my family, I will have to find new independent insurance coverage for our family of four.
  • There are countless nooks and crannies in my office that have personal belongings of mine in them.  I have a bookcase of books, drawers of files, pictures, decorations, etc.  I have already taken out 2 rubbermaid loads of stuff and a cart of plants and I think there is at least another rubbermaid load needing to be taken home. 
  • Finish half completed work items while I am here so that I leave the organization in the best way possible.
  • Decide which friends will go with me when I leave and make sure I gather appropriate contact information for them.
Other things that I can't focus on include the plans for my future.  There are so many things I want to try and do so I find myself planning and thinking about a variety of personal things as well, such as:
  • Get the family all to the dentist before my dental insurance runs out.
  • Start more blogs so I can continue in my writing, how to best market those blogs, what the topics should be, etc.
  • Ebay business needs to get started.  There are a variety of things in my house that need to be listed on ebay in order for me to clean house while making a little income.
  • How does one apply for unemployment?  I need to figure that out.
  • We need a will in case something happens to us.
  • We need to tighten our spending belts even more as a family so that we can remain taken care of when my income is much lower.
  • I want to begin a new needlepoint project.
  • I want to finish my current sewing project.
  • I want to pursue new leisure activities.
  • I need to prepare the kids for a smaller Christmas.
  • I need to take care of my mother and father, who's needs seem to be growing.
  • I need to take care of my 2 girls at home and make sure they get their daily needs met.
  • And then of course are the needs of my husband.....
Now these lists seem manageable and probably much like your own list of things but the difference now is that my emotions are so labile.  I jump from morose to relieved to excited to angry, and it doesn't take much of a push to elicit any of these.  So my focus jumps as well and I can't really seem to finish any particular thing.  During any acute emotional stage, I can only focus on some of the above tasks.  For instance if I am angry, I have to leave the sewing machine because when it skips a stitch, I come unglued.  When I am depressed I cannot believe in myself enough to even blog or be productive.  So the growing list of tasks that need to be done have to fit in between the variable emotions.  No wonder I don't sleep very well at night!

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