Friday, November 12, 2010

More confusion about the right path

It has been another tough couple of days.  My mind is just over-thinking this situation like crazy.  I wake at 4:30 am, unable to sleep, with indecision, a little anxiety, and a lot of soul searching.  Those thoughts continue off and on throughout the day as well, distracting me from whatever I need to be focusing on at the time.  The turmoil is not near the intensity it was a few weeks ago, but I still wish I could get back to that peace of mind I had found for a short time.  You see, I think the serenity came from the acceptance of my situation.  I did not have a job and I could not change that.  I had a dream, a plan to pursue that dream and the support of my family and I had become comfortable with that course of action.  I am not saying that pursuing a dream is not a little scary, but in the face of having no job, it seemed a reasonable course of action at the time.  Now there is an opportunity to have a job at this company again.  I don't think it is a job that I will enjoy.  In fact I am pretty sure I would not like it but it is an income and some security (although that is a laughable statement because I thought I had security of employment a month ago too).   I had prayed to have guidance in my next steps, and thought that I had the answer.  Now this "opportunity" is in front of me and it throws me into a state of doubt.  I found this quote tonight:  "For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour."  Mary Kay Ash

My question is:  Which detour?  Which course of action?  Take the "secure" job with a predictable income that I don't really think I will enjoy OR take the route of following my unconventional and risky dreams with no guarantee of any income?

In my search this evening I also found this quote:  "Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success."  Dr. Joyce Brothers  It doesn't say "worry about all the what ifs until you are completely paralyzed with the inability to take action." 

I know which route I am leaning toward...  what would you do?   I have changed the settings on my blogspot to allow anyone to post comments more readily, so go ahead and share your thoughts.

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