Monday, January 31, 2011

Cover Letters and Resumes - How to get noticed after a layoff

I have been curious as to why I have not gotten any calls for the many resumes I have sent to prospective employers. On occasion I have been told that my resume looked great, and even had some help to write it from an HR professional, but no one calls me.

I should have thought of this much before now, but I sat upstairs in a small office environment right next door to 3 of the HR professionals in our company. What drew them to interested applicants? Well, it wasn't what they looked like, because an applicants looks is only important once an interview can be obtained. Was it the resume? NO! The resume rarely even gets looked at by the HR screening staff.

It was the cover letter! There must be tricks to writing a good cover letter that will grab the attention of an HR professional that is weeding out the "top" 1/2 dozen applicants for interviews. The rest of the resumes don't even get seen by the hiring manager! So in my search to find products and books to help those of us looking for our next job after a devastating job loss, I researched cover letter writing and found this gem:

Click Here!

The new software program that automates your job hunt with the letters that get you interviews - instantly creates powerful cover letters in most any email or word program!

Cover letters from the
Job Hunting Authority

and Best Selling Author:
Phil Baker

This group of products designed to assist people to further their careers is under $30.00, so in my quest to match people with resources, I offer this one to you. If you do order this product and land the perfect job, leave a comment on this blog site.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It only takes a little hard work and a good idea to be your own boss

I am learning that there are many more ways to make money than simply going to work for a living. How many of you go to work every day and don't like your job? Or you go to work and still need a second income to make ends meet?

How creative are you? If you are like me, you may not be very creative, but you are teachable. If someone gave you a good idea that you could market into your own business, would you consider doing that?

Why do so many people refuse to believe that there can be life and income without a traditional job? According to experts, this recession is the perfect time to start a home based business. The time is ripe for others to outsource services rather than pay hourly employees.

I had some ideas after looking around on the internet for job opportunities. One important lesson I have learned is that there are countless scams out there and you will do best to avoid giving your credit card to someone for a plan to make money from home or make quick money on line. I don't think there is such a "good deal" out there, but I will tell you they are getting plenty of money from others by scamming them out of their money.

There are countless ways to start a home business and many, many services or goods that you can supply to people legitimately and make a profit for yourself.

I am currently doing that with ebay. It is not a lot of money yet, but I buy brand new items at a low price and sell them on ebay for twice the price I paid. It is easy to do this with paypal and easy shipping services provided through a partnership of paypal and the United States Postal Service. Ebay is just one way to turn a profit for yourself.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting Back to Work after a Layoff

The layoff survival guide for today's job hunters what everyone needs to know about getting fired, getting inspired, and getting hired. Losing a job can be devastating-financially, professionally, and emotionally. This comprehensive guide, written by a career consultant with a background in psychiatric therapy, goes further than other job search guides by addressing the full range of issues facing the newly unemployed from dusting off old resumes, polishing networking skills, and preparing for interviews, to dealing with the emotional fallout of losing a job, staying motivated, and rebuilding a dream career.

Another resource for those of you suffering from the incredible challenge of today's job market.

It is incredibly hard for those of us thrown into the highly competitive job market of today. Especially for those of us that have been in a job for a number of years, we are unsure of how to proceed with today's cover letters and online job searches.

I have applied for about a dozen jobs, and think of myself as highly employable with a good resume, and not had one call yet for an interview. It is easy to lose confidence during the search but this book will help you feel confident in what you are offering potential employers, at least on paper.

It is important to invest a bit in yourself when you are faced with challenges such as this, so that you keep your spirits up and can really feel affirmed that you are taking the right steps.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

When all is going well, it is easy to feel on top of the world. A little good news goes a long way! But what happens when you get thrown a few lemons? Can you make lemonade or do you languish in the depths of despair?

I have lived through a bit of it all the last few weeks. Flying high with a few successful writing coups under my belt, I did not expect to fall back down to the lows again. It was all related to health this time. Counting on the purchase of private health insurance, my family of four applied to Coventry One. We soon learned that three of us were accepted and the rates are very low and affordable. It is not good insurance, but certainly will protect us from the catastrophic illness expenses that may occur in the future that might cause us bankruptcy. I never dreamed that I would not be deemed healthy enough to be accepted.

Apparently my 8 1/2 year ago bout with cervical carcinoma in-situ is enough to cause the underwriters to refuse to insure me. What a blow! I began to think of myself as unhealthy and in pursuing other insurance options for myself, I discovered that COBRA was about my only option.... at three times the cost of the private insurance premiums I was counting on. One unemployment check a month will go toward my health insurance premium. I began to feel defeated, even as a bad bout of respiratory flu set in last week. I have laid on the couch for almost a week now, feeling physically horrible and as a result, my positive attitude has sunk. Through some soul searching, the support of my wonderful husband, and this book, I have begun to pick myself up again.

Today is the first day that I could write in the blog and share this with you, only because I had no good news to share up until now. I recommend investing in yourself through books that help you have a positive attitude, like this one by W. Stone. The investment in yourself is just pennies, and if it can help you create your own success through positive mental attitude, then it is worth the cost.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

And I felt healed. I am finally believing in myself.

The stages of grief are a fascinating thing to experience. I did my denial and bargaining months ago. I conquered my sadness after that and just recently let go of my anger with a little help from a class about the 3 principles. So I am firmly entrenched in acceptance and skipping through my unemployed days in front of my laptop writing articles for web content just as content as can be.
Then all of a sudden last night came the nightmare. I remember versions of this nightmare occurring several weeks ago but I have had so many great nights of sleep that I had almost forgotten it. It seemed so realistic to dream through my last week on the job once again. It was a nightmare going to work every day, knowing I had to leave when I wasn't ready to go. The dream last night was vivid and could have been disturbing except that when I woke up, I realized that those emotions were old and these were just thoughts that appeared in my subconscious. I did not have to feel bad about those thoughts anymore, or give them any merit whatsoever. And I felt healed.

I promised this blog would include success stories and I think I am living one. Having recovered from the horrible devastation, I was still very afraid to enter the work world. My faith in myself was shaken such that just thinking about starting a new job was terrifying. But even that has turned into a feeling of joy at not having a job. I work for myself now. I have taken my passion for writing and searched and networked with people and I am beginning to see financial rewards from doing what I love to do every day on my own terms. I think that is a success.
The other success that has occurred is that my self esteem is climbing as I get re-affirmed on occasion about some of my work. When I first began writing articles I feared failure so much that I would sometimes sit paralyzed in front of my computer and unable to type. I have experienced rejection while writing but each time it stings less and feels less personal. I am getting used to it and I am learning from it. And each little step forward and each little successful article I write leads to an incremental increase in self esteem.
I think I could do this forever, like a new job. Wish me luck. I dare to dream to be an author and entrepreneur. For the people who are non-believers or who scoff at that statement, it is them I pity, not my situation. I am finally believing in myself.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I dare to dream!

I did not know what to expect from this journey through unemployment, but I can honestly say that I am recovering. I credit a few key decisions and elements around me with this recovery.
  • Specifically, my husband has remained my best friend. He encourages me, he enjoys me home, he has faith in me, he makes me feel smart and beautiful all the time, and he has supported me in finding my way and discovering my passions.
  • I have kept in close contact with people that build me up and not the ones who tear me down. I have stayed connected and reached out, even when I was afraid of rejection. Through this reaching out to others, I have gathered information, new support systems, and kept my faith in human-kind intact. I can't tell you enough that being surrounded with people is important.... do not isolate yourself.
  • I am focusing on my physical dimension.. I have been losing weight (23 pounds since being told I was laid off). The last 18 pounds have been through some amazing nutritional support products made by a company called Isagenix. For the last 6 weeks I have been following the program and ingesting these substances packed with herbal healing components and vitamins/minerals. Not only do I look thinner, I feel energized and healthy physically. I promote the use of Isagenix products to everyone I meet now. They are good for anyone, regardless of their weight, and I want to share this feeling with everyone. 
  • I made a decision when finances looked dim, to invest in myself through the above products, and thus have invested in my health and financial future. I am excited about this ongoing opportunity.
  • I have allowed myself to do what I love to do, while finding my passion in life. That is to write. I have been writing for small amounts of money on the internet and although it would not pay the bills, it has led to increase self esteem and a feeling of contribution to the family.
  • I have found a "class" about the 3 principles of mind, thought, and consciousness developed many years ago by Sydney Banks. I took a 3 day class (provided for by one of my dear friends - for which I will be forever grateful). This class helped me lift the emotional and mental cloud hanging over me and basically showed me a better way to deal with my own thoughts and the turmoil that has been in my head and heart for years.
  • Focus in the moment: I have focused on my children and family and tried to be there in the present when with them so that the time I have at home is quality time. This has turned out to be valued by all of us.
There is just so much more sharing to do! I know you don't need it all in one day so I will wait and share again later. Dare to make yourself a dream.  Find out what you really have a passion for, and figure out how to get paid for doing it! That is what I am dreaming these days!

Monday, January 3, 2011

There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel

I have been too busy to write for a few weeks. I have found an avenue to write for some income and that is what I have been doing as much as possible.
It is unbelievable that there is as much serenity in my life as there is. I went to a workshop of the works of Sydney Banks on thought, mind, and consciousness... and I learned SO much.  I want to share it with the world so everyone has an opportunity to see how their thinking really affects their happiness and their life. Because of this epiphany, I am able to forgive and get past the emotional turmoil that has haunted me since October 20. I am able to thank the people that I used to think wronged me and actually tell them "Thank you!".
I am enjoying my existence a great deal. Home with my family, and writing for money... drawing unemployment and I have 6 months to figure out my long term plan. I am in no hurry at this point. I am growing in more ways than I knew were possible at the age of 50. It is a beautiful time in my life and today I am here to tell you that there is definitely life after layoff. Hang in there.. ride the ride... keep a positive attitude and you, too, will see a light at the end of the tunnel.